Thursday, October 15, 2009

U-Haul Fail

I took this picture outside one of our local dollar stores. This is one of those situations where no matter how hard I try, I cannot come up with a reasonable explanation for what is going on...any ideas? I had this wonderful thought that maybe these were some modern day Beverly Hillbillies moving out to a mansion in California where they would start a new life and hilarious antics would ensue. Then I noticed that the license plate is local...*

* Speaking of the license plate, the fact that it is attached tells me that this arrangement is at least somewhat permanent. Crazy.


Anonymous said...

The license plate says 2 IMRZ. That's "I'm REZ" meaning I grew up on the Reservation. The rest is self explanitory

Danelle said...

I seem to recall a trip your family made to visit Grandma/pa a number of years ago, during which the entire contents of your luggage rack where lost along the way on the freeways and country roads. Hmmm. Maybe your parents should have considered this form of packing. Seriously, could this be legal?