Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Can I copy your homework?

Joseph and I still have our Colorado cell phone numbers. We occasionally will receive strange text messages or random phone calls from people who get the numbers mixed up. This morning about 7:30, I received this text message:

**Can I copy your homework again please this is josh cruz.

I came downstairs and showed Joseph the funny random text that I had received. I then got the bright idea to use it here, on ShumFunny.

Joseph sent out to you guys: Lauren forwarded me this text that she randomly got this morning. How should she she reply?

Your responses:
Nathan said: Yeah but we'll have to meet somewhere else.

Christin said: Who is Josh Cruz?

PJ said: Well if she let him copy the first time she kind of set a bad precident.

Sam said: Yes, but only if you agree to make out with me.

I took Sam's idea and with Sam's help via Google chat, I had the following text "conversation" with Mr. Cruz. (FYI: Lauren Shumway=LS, JC= Josh Cruz)

LS: Only if you'll make out with me

JC: haha what

LS: ha ha. yep. i know its weird but i really just want to make out with you

JC: haha okay works for me

LS: so do you expect anything special? lol

JC: thats up to you

LS: well what do you want?

JC: haha idk

LS: well idk either. you seem more experienced.

JC: your stupid

LS: I'm stupid? and you want to copy MY homework?

JC: f*** you

LS: sorry to disappoint you but i will not be making out with you or letting you copy my homework

JC: its okay cuz Kristen is in my class you dumb a**

LS: (Sam told me to write this) Who's the dumb a**? you sent a text to the wrong person...by the way, do you still want to make out?

JC: ever heard of maturity you piece of s***

LS: i understand that you are upset that the whole homework making out thing is not going to happen but no need to use potty words. although you do seem very mature when you use big boy words like that.

That is the last today that I've heard from Josh. I toyed with the idea of being a really mean person and calling the Greeley school district and reporting that Mr. Cruz was cheating on his homework, but decided not to. It was pretty funny though!

1 comment:

PJ said...

I say turn the little #$%$$&$##*$%$#$%$#$!@#!!@#$&*()%^$# in. Or at least find out where he lives so I can go kick him in the junk the next time I'm heading past Greeley.