Monday, October 12, 2009

Here's the plan

I was thinking about some of the e-mails that I have received and have been a part of creating over the years as part of the Shumway family. I pulled up some old ones and was laughing out loud as I read the stuff that was written. So, I decided to make a blog that we can share. This will not be a public blog. I'll invite mom and dad and brothers and sisters and their spouses and kids to be able to view and post on the blog. It's purpose is to have a place to archive things that are written in e-mail, chats that are particularly funny or things that happen in every day life that make us laugh and that seem worthy to keep to read later. Eventually, we can print the blog as a book.


ss said...

Great idea, Joseph!

Danelle said...

Um, I'm pretty sure it's public...or how did I get in? Please don't kick me out?!